The opening of Allison Watkins' show Reilluminate was soft by any definition. While the crowd attending the 2nd Saturday event was pleasant and comprised of a fair assortment of admirers, family and friends, as well as local artists keen to the EN EM Art Space scene, this particular 2nd Saturday proved to be a hushed occurrence.

However, although unorthodox, I would argue that a more "grand opening" would have been less appropriate for Watkins' style than the opening it did receive. After all, Allison Watkins and her photography style don't seem to seek attention, but rather attempts to refocus the entranced viewer's attention in a new way. Her style, both alluring and haunting, combines the spotlight effect of a high exposure shot with the low key subject matter of flora at night. The effect is that the audience becomes enthralled with the strong contrast of focused light and overwhelming shadow, and simultaneously occupied with the vision of a blooming flower at night.
Furthermore, the ethereal nature of the photograph coalesced with the transient presence of the floral subject matter brings a greater attention to the spotlight itself: light, and how temporal light and perception are themselves.
The opening at EN EM Art Space may have been a quiet affair,
but that isn't tied per say to the show itself. Allison Watkins brings to the
Sacramento that incredibly striking and almost candid quality that is certainly
lacking in a region which seems to stagnate around art of the traditional and the staged.
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